LINGGANAY FESTIVAL got its name from the Waray word Lingganay which means a 'bell'. Said festival was conceptualized sometime in 1995 based on th legend of the town's lost ‘
golden bell’. It was said that one time when the moro pirates surprised the people, they tried to fled away with the bell. When they reached the Bakga River, they threw the golden bell into the deepest part of the river to prevent it from getting into the hands of the moro pirates. Until today, the bell has not been found but it is said that its sound can be barely heard coming from the bottom of the river.
It is celebrated in conjunction with the town's fiesta on the
19th of June. According to oral history, since 1995, Lingganay has been joining festival dance competitions especially during the Pintados Kasadyaan.
It was said that employees from the municipality were the first participants of the festival. Today, it is mainly composed of 80 dancers of elementary and high school students from the municipality. Participants called themselves
Tribu Lingganay.
Lingganay Festival has etched its mark as it won several awards in different festival competitions both locally and nationally.
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