My youngest who is a Nursery student will be having a program on Friday, September 12. There will be a contest for Pre-Schoolers on singing, dancing and fancy dress. I asked him if he would like to join the contest and he nodded. I just told him that I will enter him on the fancy dress contest so it will be a little bit easy for him to wear a certain costume and act for about a minute, as per rules.
I borrowed his costume from my eldest sister’s son, a Peter Pan costume. Somewhat familiar to him coz he got to watch the movie. We just need to watch it over again to plan his steps and short speech.
I am glad that at his age he finds such contest interesting already. He is not shy and actually active in his class as per his adviser. Win or lose I am happy for him coz he is brave to join such contest and expose himself to more people other than his class. Good luck baby and we love you!

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