When I prepared our things for the visit to Manila last weekend for the 2009 Sto. Niño fiesta, I ensured that the digital camera will not be forgotten. The fiesta is one of the full blast celebrations in Manila where you can practically see many people walking in the streets, vendors here and there, karaoke in the streets, contests, and a lot more. Parking is really painstaking but time and again it has always been merry and colorful fiesta for the Manileños.
For those who experienced the fiesta, you have the idea already of what I am talking here but for others who don’t take a look at the pictures below which shows the happenings of the recent fiesta.
Procession is being held every Saturday afternoon and 2 on Sunday. The route is being managed by the parish organizations in collaboration with the Manila police to ensure peace and safety procession. It has always been filled with devotees carrying their own images of Sto. Niño while dancing in the music of the bands that joined the procession.
In some streets, aside from the contests they also held mini-games and dancing to give more fun and excitement. Also, some household rented or used their own karaoke or sing-along appliances and placed in front of the house and have their singing pleasure. A common practice not being minded by others even how loud it is.
Decors usually filled the street to add on the festivity. Some has what we called “pabitin” wherein the statue of Sto. Niño is being showered with flowers, perfume, ballons, and more as thanksgiving and love.

During fiesta, there are many vendors along the street selling food and stuff. Some are stationed in the front of their house or a rented place while some roams.