The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) Director Leticia Barbara Gutierrez clear the issue about her order for a batch recall of three skin whitening drugs found to have “less” glutathione content as claimed in their product labels. Said concern was raised into hype when Korina Sanchez made her detailed reporting on the said issue after an interview with a dermatologist on her show on ANC. The guest pinpointed certain case of what we may call bad/side effects of a certain product used by the claimant. The three recalled brands are Glutalife dietary supplement, Lucida-DS/Glutathione 500 mg, and Vaniderm/Dietary Supplement found to have glutathione content below the ideal level. Another advisory is yet to come if other batches will fail the current tests being performed by the bureau.
I saw on TV this news and it was really alarming since people who are quite unhappy with the color of their skin will turn into this kind of product. BFAD I guess must conduct a periodic random sampling not only on this specific type of product but as many products as they can to protect the consuming public. There is a possibility that batch of products being submitted to the bureau might be of quality reflecting the written contents in their label with the contents on their products.
As a consumer, this issue is of utmost concern especially on items pertaining to my kids’ welfare. There are many products out in the market and we can not pinpoint for ourselves what to buy and not and it is only BFAD and other government agencies who can ensure the safety of these products.

Hi Crissy! I'm so sorry for not visiting your blog for a long long time. I know you left me a message on my blog....sorry for not replying. I am pregnant right now and have been dealing with morning sickness and anemia. I am very tired and sick every day. I hope that you understand! Keep up with the good work on your blog!
Do you any idea when Vaniderm will be back in the market? I think that product is great regardless of what they say 'coz I've seen improvements unlike it's competitor. I've tried the other product but unfortunately it gave me dark circles around my eyes and makes me look so old although eventhough I have a good sleep.
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