Disgusting! Is there any other word horrible than this coz I felt it is an understatement. Hearing what transpired in the Senate Probe on the recent and very controversial Euro Generals I really felt repulsive and mad towards those useless government officials.
I knew some people in the PNP and I know how hard it was for them to accept how things happen inside their institution especially the recent controversy involving their generals and higher officers. They are bound to look after the criminals, law offenders and keep at peace this country. Now, loud and clear, if they only could immediately put in jail those futile officers of them I think they will be very happy to do that.
No money for modern guns, lack of ammunitions, no benefits and yet the almost P7 million PNP fund can go in and out of their custody without any approval of the rightful officers. Yes! This is just one of the many disgusting truths that were uncovered during the Senate Probe. How can the PNP Chief allows such neglect of his authority? Why did they allow some unqualified generals to go on with the trip in violation of their own rules? Why allow such unauthorized used of fund? What such a lapse in handling the PNP fund?
If you where able to watch it you will feel angry and disgusted to these officials that despite the global economic crisis and the many unsolved and unattended problems in the PNP institution itself they can afford to do this. The problem that the whole world is facing right now is not actually the issue of money, it is simple due to greed for power and money.

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