Thursday, March 27, 2008

St. Matthew College GS Recognition Day 2008

March 26, 2008 at around 3:00pm the St. Matthew College's Recognition Day was held for the outstanding undergraduates in the Grade School levels. Another memorable day for my daughter (and of course for me, hubby & Justin) to remember after finishing her Grade 1 level with high honors. The Opening Prayer was led by her. She was recognized with the following honors: Overall Top 1 (First Honor) for Grade 1 level, Gold Medalist in Extra-Curricular Activities, Bronze Medal for Deportment Award and 4 Best Academic Excellence Awards in Math, English, Science & Arts. A fourth time in a row for her to bag the First Honor award since Nursery Level. To my daughter, we are proud of you and we hope you will continue your love and dedication towards your studies. CONGRATULATIONS and keep it up. My CONGRATULATIONS also to all the undergraduates and graduating students as well as the parents for another 10 months of hard work and patience.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!Congrats!! Your daughter is a bright one!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks papams!!!

Anonymous said...

hello crissy... congrats to your daughter. like mother huh...

Anonymous said...

thanks naomi! not quite.. lol..

Marikit said...

Hi Crissy, Congratulation for your Little Angel and of course "YOU" who supported and thoroughly and consistently guiding your sibling to achieve and execute their great potential to be an achiever. Job well done Mommy and daughter team!!!


Núria said...

Hola Crissy from Spain!
I saw you added my blog to your favs. in blog catalog... Thanks :D

You must be so proud of your daughter!!! And she is such a cuttie :D

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