- White cartolina
- Used cardboard
- Coloring materials like colored pens or pencils, crayons, water color, cray pas or any medium
- Strings or chains
- Puncher
- Glue, pair of scissors
- Choose/Decide what fruits or vegetables you would like to draw.
- Sketch your design lightly on the cartolina.
- Using a black pen, ink your sketch.
- Cut the design using your pair of scissors.
- Duplicate the design by tracing it again on the cartolina.
- Paste the design on a cardboard. Cut the cardboard following the design.
- Paste the duplicated design at the back of the cardboard.
- Color the design – both front and back portion.
- Assemble all the fruits and vegetables to create a simple mobile by using strings or chains.
- Balance all designs.

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