The personal blog is the kind of blog mostly maintained by millions of bloggers like me around the world. Sometimes it is good to know that we have a ready outlet to absorb things we have in our mind or heart, good or bad. In writing we can express ourselves and sometimes receive helpful comments or appreciation on something good we share to them. I maintained several blogs and I could say I enjoy blogging so much. Thanks to a dear friend Che for her patience and unselfish effort in teaching me. 
Secondary issue why a full time housewife like me turns into blogging on spare time is because I well understood that I can monetize my blogs. Sweet deal, isn’t it? While at home, I can take care of my kids and hubby, do the chores and earn on my spare time. I know it sounds like pretty hard to do those things on a daily basis but hey I’m a supermom. LOL. For me it is very important that each member of the family does his/her share (above the best if possible) for the welfare of it.

There are many ways to monetize a blog like posting banners or widgets, pay per click, Google adsense, paid post, commissioning, etc. I monetize my blogs in several ways and one way is getting
paid to blog just like most bloggers are in too. It is very flexible since online automated systems like Blog Advertising Store provide a venue where advertisers and bloggers meet for a mutual beneficial relationship. Some involve biddings and some lay down all the qualified opportunities to take and blog about. Of course the advertising rates and the content are not a big deal since details for a certain opportunity is well given. Bloggers get a chance to pick tasks that fit their theme.

Online advertisement is a very cheap or inexpensive form of advertisement for advertisers. Also, they are in control of everything from the content up to the rates.
Advertisements are very effective and powerful for promoting products or services especially those on the net because internet forms part of our daily lives.
Happy blogging everyone!!!