Dinner for $20,000 and $15,000 for PGMA and her entourage, moral or immoral? These luscious and expensive dinners at Le Cirque and Bobby Van’s Steakhouse were hitting the tri-media for several days already. Left and right mudslinging among politicians, writers, broadcasters and government officials proliferated. But how such an issue will end? What us as Filipinos need to learn from these happenings? How our law makers should fairly act on this matter? We are only talking about dinner here. What about the other expenses of PGMA and the whole entourage? Is there really a need to accept the invitation considering the problems on hand?
Morality is an issue to every person but moreover to a public servant because it involves the common good. To be a leader is to be of service and to serve as good example. Said dinners being sponsored by 2 congressmen can already be considered as “indirect bribes” on the part of PGMA. No wonder why overwhelming love and respect where shown on former President Cory. She truly characterized the essence of a true leader.
Only a strong political will can truly eliminate corruption in our country. For now maybe we can’t do something about it because they are in control. But the coming May 2010 election gives us hope and power as well to choose wisely leaders who are really deserving. We need leaders who are God-fearing, selfless, morally upright and do things for the common good and not for the chosen few.

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