One thing noticeable since the death of the former President Cory Aquino till she laid to her final resting place was the behavior of her son Benigno Simeon “
Noynoy” Aquino III and 4 daughters namely Maria Elena "
Ballsy" A. Cruz, Aurora Corazon "
Pinky" A. Abellada, Victoria Eliza "
Viel" A. Dee, and actress-television host Kristina Bernadette "
Kris" Aquino-Yap. In time of their mourning and despite certain issues, they all showed how educated they are and as to how their parents molded them.
The latest issue about the Aquinos was that they personally thanked the four honor guards (
Private First Class Antonio Cadiente, Airman 2nd Class Gener Laguindam, Navy Petty Officer 3 Edgardo Rodriguez, and Police Officer 1 Danilo Malab, Jr.) for heavily stood up on their mother’s casket from the Manila Cathedral to the Manila Memorial Park amidst the sunlight and rains for nine hours without any break.
See video here.
The four guards are truly deserving on the recognitions, cash rewards, gifts and commendation they continuously receiving up to now. Let us all pray that they will make it on the Guinness. Bravo!!!