Wanna share some tips there in exchange for bucks? Daytipper was established in 2005 by colleagues that share a common goal: develop a service that allows the global community to submit and share tips, information, advice, and ideas. Founded by experienced veterans of the Internet and publishing industries, their mission is two-fold: assemble a popular and useful collection of tips, and allow everyone to contribute. Every day, content is added to this site that has helped someone before. The content here had helped the daytippers and can help you too. If you have a tip that is insightful, helpful, and original, they will publish it and pay you $3 (US). You write the content and they share it to the world. Make the most out of Daytipper by referring back to them daily you'll find something you can use with every visit. Daytipper prescribes tips on a daily basis. See you there!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Share your tips at Daytipper...
Labels: tips
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
New blogger 3-column templates (XML)
Attention all bloggers out there, new members and old ones who are considering of revising their templates, you can check out WEBTALKS for different styles and colors of a 3-column templates. Thanks to a dear friend cherrytonix for sharing me this great site, she knows I am looking for this kind of templates. Mwaaaahh!!!
Labels: 3-column templates
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Bantay Bata 163
Bantay Bata 163 is a child welfare program of ABS-CBN Foundation that not only rescues and rehabilitates sick and abused children, but also provides shelter, therapy and quality home care for rescued children until they can be reunited with their families or referred to proper child-caring agencies.
BB163 gives emphasis on the family through the following services: training and advocacy on child abuse prevention, rehabilitation of families in crisis, educational scholarships, livelihood, community outreach and medical and dental missions.
More..Labels: foundations
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Let's Play Domino
Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like)
Labels: friends
The Triumph: The Ron Clark Story
One of the movies I really like watching over and over again is “The Triumph”. A story of perseverance, passion and dedication of an educator who made a big twirl in the lives not only of his colleagues and parents but moreover of his students. Teacher Ron Clark (played by Matthew Perry) went through tough times to get his students out of trouble and take the right path.
I had a sister who happened to be a teacher too and I know the hardship and pressure of her work. Early in school, lesson plans, test papers, teaching materials, and what else? Ah yah not to forget the tough and hard-headed dude (students) in the school, hehehe! of course not all of them but most. LOL
But seriously speaking, if all professionals will be as dedicated and as persevered in their chosen career like Mr. Ron Clark I guess the world will be filled and evolved with great generations of individuals. Really an inspiring story and a must-see movie for all. Happy watching!!!
Labels: movies
Want some real money?
At first I was skeptical about it the first time I encounter the site. Later, I got an affirmation from a friend how it works and how true that you can earn by just placing the ad in your site. No reviews to make just simply put the ad and you are “in” for making some money. So what are you waiting for, click the add and start making money for yourself by simply following their instructions. Happy posting!!!
Labels: Yuwie
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Tutorial
Its really hard to play games you are not completely aware of. I am an Accountant and my husband is an Engineer and website creation is completely new to us. But thanks to sites who are very helpful to people like us at least we can manage to learn it online. For those who want to learn CSS try http://www.w3schools.com/css/ and start with your first step in creating your very own website. They will give you the basics, advanced and CSS examples to make your site a very personalize one. Many thanks and more power.
Coconut Oil: Why it is good for you?
Many researchers have reported that coconut oil lowers cholesterol (Blackburn et al 1988, Ahrens and colleagues, 1957). In 1981, Prior et al. showed that islanders with a diet high in coconut oil showed no harmful health effects. When these groups migrated to New Zealand and lowered their daily coconut oil intake, their total cholesterol and especially their LDL cholesterol - the so-called evil one - increased. The cholesterol-lowering properties of coconut oil are a direct result of its ability to stimulate thyroid function. In the presence of adequate thyroid hormone, cholesterol (specifically LDL-cholesterol) is converted by enzymatic processes to the vitally necessary anti-aging steroids, pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA. These substances are required to help prevent heart disease, senility, obesity, cancer and other diseases associated with aging and chronic degenerative diseases.
Labels: Health
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Have you ever been in the
Labels: Philippines, vacation
Philippine Paintings and a lot more...
Labels: artworks, Philippines
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
LOVE is in the air. On this special day, allow me to greet my around-the-world friends who are really very nice and accommodating. To my wonderful friends in FRIENDSTER, BLOGGER.COM, GOOGLE, SPICYPAGE, BLOG CATALOG, FEEDBURNER, MYBLOGLOG & FUELMYBLOG, and a lot more let me greet you all a lovely VALENTINE'S DAY!!! This greeting goes also to all the blogging communities in the web. May our beloved earth be filled with LOVE on Valentine's Day and always.
Labels: greetings
Marriage: Trials & Triumphs
Marital life is not always a bed full of roses. Being married for almost 10 long years I could say that everyday of my life with my beloved family is still an opportunity for me to show how much I love them and what I can still do for them. There are tough times, yes, but as a family we managed to stand united and overcome those.
I am fond of reading articles about marriage matters and I could say that Mort Fertel’s so called marriage fitness is very viable. I found the approach effective. There are really ways and means on how to deal with troubled relationships but the question is what is the best way to deal with it. Mr. Fertel enlightened me on many things about relationship, the ups and downs. Many thanks to this wonderful guy for sending me messages that indeed very useful to us especially in going through the hard times without spending even a single penny. Try to check the site and be encouraged that indeed there is still a way to save and sustain your relationship. Thanks again and more power to your Marriage Fitness.
Labels: Marriage, relationship
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
ROSE colors & meanings
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Allow me to greet in advance my husband Eric, kids Nicole & Justin, my relatives, friends and the whole wide world a very HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I'm pretty sure everyone, especially the guys out there, are very busy hanging around the flower shops to look for special something to give to his loved one. One very particular item that is truely saleable every Heart's Day is ROSE. If you are planning to buy this flower maybe its best for you to know the different colors of it and the meaning so that you will give the appropriate color to its recipient. For ROSE colors and meanings try to check http://www.proflowers.com/flowerguide/rosemeanings for complete information. HAPPY HEART'S DAY!!!!!
Labels: rose colors
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Let us pray for Jun Lozada & his family
The NBN deal is now again back to limelight despite its cancellation this time with another star witness in the name of Mr. Jun Lozada. I can’t help but pity this honorable man who in the course of performing his job for the government now undergoing a tremendous fear and threat over his life and family. Let us all pray for his safety and his family at this point of their lives. For a complete transcript of his statement visit http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storypage.aspx?StoryID=108335.
Labels: current events, Philippines
Monday, February 4, 2008
De Venecia vs. Nograles: Battle for Speakership
De Venecia, Jose Jr.
Pangasinan, 4th
DistrictParty: LAKAS-CMD
Term: 3
Labels: current events, Philippines
Sunday, February 3, 2008
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!! Greetings to our beloved pure Chinese and half-Chinese here in the Philippines and around the world.
Chinese New Year is the most important among the traditional Chinese holidays. This year 2008 is the year of the RAT and the Chinese New Year's Day is February 7. Time again for some family reunion to celebrate the event together with the traditional food being served during New Year, do you know those food? I know some. Food commonly served on New Year's Eve are fish, chicken, shrimp, dumplings, Mandarin oranges, uncut noodles, sweets and the famous Tikoy. I really love this Tikoy especially when you slice it quite thin and mix with beaten egg, ohhh yummy. Of course, we must not forget to include some Chinese New Year practices like fireworks which signifies a joyous occasion and scare away evil spirits just like dragon dance plus the red clothing being worn throughout the Chinese New Year because of the same belief. Some even buy new clothes from head to toe to symbolize a new beginning in the new year. Kung Hei Fat Choi to my Chinese classmates in UST wayback in 1994, to my dear Chinese relatives and friends and of course not to forget my Chinese suki in Divisoria Mall and 168 Mall. Cheers!!!!!
Check this out for some cool Chinese Rat items for your new year celebration.
Labels: celebrations
Sto. Niño Fiesta 2008 pictures.. pictures..
My kids with cousins in preparation for the procession Our Niños
The Replica
The original Sto. Niño in procession
Labels: celebrations
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