Ampatuan Jr. filed his petition for bail and the prosecutors need to present strong evidences to oppose the said petition. On the other hand, this might give a chance for the defense to have a glance of what the prosecutors’ evidences are. Also, this petition for bail will prolong the murder trial against Ampatuan Jr.
No matter how short or long the trial will go on may justice be served to the victims as well as to their relatives on this very shocking and alarming election-related crime.
Video of the trial here.
Details of the news here.

Hello Crissy, I was surfing the Net re 'toddy' drinks and got into your old blog posting re your 'Alak'.
It was interesting reading about it.
You have a nice blog and very eloquent with your postings.
You stay young, stay beautiful and keep a song in your heart and have a great new year.
Best regards, Lee.
@ Uncle Lee:
Thanks for dropping by and for the sweet notes! Have a blessed and prosperous 2010 Uncle Lee! ;)
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