Monday, February 22, 2010

Splash Island's 2010 new attractions

Visitors of SPLASH ISLAND (located at Southwood Exit, Biñan, Laguna) now operated by GLOBAL GUTZ PARK PHILIPPINES owned by businessman Sonny Torres offers the FLOATING PLAYGROUND (Splash Trax), FLOATING WALL CLIMBING and the FLOATING VOLLEYBALL FIELD for the summer of 2010.

From the original innovator of the swimming pool with waves (Agos Grandes) offers these new features again first and only at SPLASH ISLAND. Currently, a 30 foot structure is being constructed in front of Agos Grandes for the SLIDE FOR LIFE “ZIP LINE” wherein guest will be attached to a safety harness and plunges to the giant floating wall placed at the middle of the waving pool.

All these added attractions, aside from the 12 water slides, will be spread within the 7 hectare property with a maximum capacity of 15,000 people and will be available to the public as SPLASH ISLAND will opens daily starting February 27.

For inquiries visit their website at or call MR. SONNY TORRES @ 09189129177 or MR. RAOUL ESPERAS, Head PR & Events @ 09278570493.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. It marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. This day can occur as early as February 4 or as late as March 10. It is the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of repentance while the minister recites: "Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return", or "Repent, and believe the Gospel."

Since the 2010 Elections is nearing, I hope that this Lenten Season all local and national candidates will find time to discern and assess their political existence and the purity of their intentions.

YouTube: Presidentiables' television airtime

There is no doubt that NP presidential bet Senator Manny Villar is the richest among all. He dominates the air and ground wars when it comes to airtime and campaign materials. CER or Consortium on Electoral Reforms released their field research conducted since the start of the official campaign period for national positions on February 9 the respective air time consumptions of the presidentiables.

Basing from the above table it is only former president Erap Estrada who has not exceeded the allowable airtime. But I hope all the voters must not be misled with all these propagandas because like any political promise in the past it could only remain as a promise to win our votes. Think wisely, vote righteously.

YouTube: De Venecias & Arroyos back in each others arms

The public just came to know recently about the news that De Venecias and Arroyos are in good terms already since before New Year. The ZTE-NBN controversy star witness Jun Lozada opened up his animosity on the issue on the feeling that he was left behind by those who supported him in his fight pertaining to the De Venecias. On the other hand, former House Speaker Jose de Venecia’s son Joey who is running for Senator vowed to continue his fight over the said controversy. He is running under the party of former president Erap Estrada.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Camcorders digital capture every moment

February 17 is one of the busiest school days of my daughter. This week is their “Academic Week” and parts of it are the different quiz bee on per subject basis. She was chosen as a contestant in three subjects namely Math, Science and Civics.

Thanks to modern technology we have now camcorders digital to make every moment captured. I will bring ours to record the happenings as hubby is not fortunate to be around. I am crossing my fingers that she makes it till the end. Good luck sweetie!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kris' sisters sang @ The Buzz

To avoid Kris Aquino from crying, her three other sisters sang on television last Sunday when “The Buzz” threw a party for the host-actress. Her sisters Ballsy Aquino-Cruz, Viel Aquino-Dee and Pinky Aquino-Abellada who usually shied away from public attention did a special song number for the birthday celebrant minus their only brother Senator Noynoy Aquino who is running for president to avoid political color. This is the first birthday where Kris will celebrate without Tita Cory around but I know for sure that Tita Cory and Sen. Ninoy are both happy seeing their kids from up above loving and supporting each other.

Velarde endorses Villar-Legarda???

It is early Monday morning and as I iron the uniform of hubby I heard this news over the radio. Is it true that Bro. Mike Velarde endorsed the standard bearer of Nacionalista Party Senator Manny Villar and his running mate Senator Loren Legarda @ El Shaddai prayer rally in Central Park, Hong Kong?

I just read an article in the internet about this news and I believed that as a Filipino and a voter said religious leader is entitled to such pronouncement. But I do believe too that his not encouraging his followers for a block vote. We are all given by God the freedom and freewill to choose and I know every follower will make use of that.

Election is one of the times where we can exercise our right to vote and freedom to choose.

Happy Heart's Day World!!! myspace graphic comments myspace graphic comments myspace graphic comments

Saturday, February 13, 2010

PBB Double Up Winners

Pinoy Big Brother Double Up finale is up and a big congratulations to the winners below. If I were to choose I think I’m gonna vote for TIBO.

Big Winner

2nd Placer

3rd Placer

4th Placer

5th Placer

Friday, February 12, 2010

COMELEC's Fair Election Act Sec. 6.6

The campaign period already started and the heat is getting hotter and hotter as politicians do their traditional campaigning of mud-slinging and self-extol. Adding up in the muddled picture of Philippine politics are some rules and regulations of the Commission on Elections or COMELEC specifically the Fair Election Act or Republic Act 9006 Section 6.6 which states that:

"Any mass media columnist, commentator, announcer, reporter, on-air correspondent or personality who is a candidate for any elective public office or is a campaign volunteer for or employed or retained in any capacity by any candidate or political party shall be deemed resigned, if so required by their employer, or shall take a leave of absence from his/her work as such during the campaign period."

Filipinos especially the voters must politically mature in discerning candidates and casting their votes righteously. No political advertisements, celebrities or other influential personalities must take control over them in deciding who to vote for. COMELEC must not be concerned on what these celebrities can do for the candidates. They must focus more in the coming automated elections to make it a clean, honest and successful one. This is the first automated elections in the country and people need more awareness about it and it is where the COMELEC must concentrate their efforts.

2009 Pamulinawen, Salakayan & Corn Festivals

Pamulinawen Festival

The festival is being held every 10th of February in Laoag City and it showcases floral and dance parades.

Salakayan Festival

It is a week-long cultural presentation shown in activities like food fair, trade fair, agro-industrial, phot exhibit, literary and musica program, beauty pageant, street and ballroom dancing, sports events and a lot more. It is being held from February 1 to 6 at Miag-ao, Iloilo.

Corn Festival

Sto. Tomas, Pangasinan celebrates every first week of February the Corn Festival being corn as the town’s top agricultural product.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jiaoli banned by FDA

There are three Chinese-made cosmetic products being banned by the Philippine health regulators because they were found to contain dangerous levels of mercury. The Food and Drug Administration or FDA tests of the creams, Jiaoli brand, found mercury levels exceeding the allowable limit which can clearly pose imminent danger of injury to the consuming public. Said agency will penalize shops found selling the said brand of products.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My daughter's First Communion

My daughter on her First Communion

As she reads the Symbolic Offering

Communion picture of 3-Patience

My daughter just recently had her First Communion Day at her school. It was actually scheduled last December 2009 but for some reasons it was delayed until last February 5. My daughter is excited because she wants to have communion too when we go to church to hear mass. The celebration was very solemn and successful. My daughter was assigned to read the Symbolic Offering. She is quite nervous but I think she did it well.

Friday, February 5, 2010

3rd quarter report cards

Report card of my daughter (Grade 3 - Patience)

Report card of my son (Kinder - Tulip)

I got the report cards of my kids for the 3rd quarter. Hubby and I are happy with their performances. My boy is in Kinder Level at Virgen del Pilar School and my Grade 3 girl at St. Matthew College was again in the overall Top Ten. For my two smart and loving kids congratulations and keep up the good work!!! We love you so so much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pulse Asia January 2010 Pre-Election Survey

Liberal Party’s (LP) presidential bet Sen. Noynoy Aquino and Nacionalista Party’s (NP) standard-bearer Sen. Manny Villar tied in the recent Pulse Asia January 2010 Pre-Election Survey. It was conducted last January 22-26 showing Aquino with 37% of voter preferences and 35% for Villar. Considering the margin of error of plus/minus 2%, it means Aquino’s rating maybe the same as Villar’s.

To all the voters, let us all be vigilant and scrutinize well all the candidates from the lower positions to the highest one. The official campaign for all the national candidates will commence next week so let us keep on discerning these candidates. Let us not be swayed by this survey. We have our own minds and hearts and the freedom to choose so let us use it wisely.

We need a big change for our country. May this coming 2010 Elections may pave the way for that big change. If not now, when? Vote righteously for our country’s future.

Mel Gibson on Dean Richards: Asshole

Mel Gibson was caught live in a TV interview calling WGN TV Reporter Dean Richards an “asshole.” Seeing the short interview, it was uneasy few moments for the actor answering questions about issues in the past hoping likewise maybe to be interviewed about his new movie.

Maybe the reporter should not go far by asking more about his past and just focus about the movie after Gibson said:
“It's a real rollercoaster ride. You know I think I'm the same person I always was except for ... time teaches and you learn as you go."
Gibson maybe got offended on why the reporter concentrated on the troubles and not much on his movie.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tainted C-5 road project

Today, Wednesday, is the Senate’s last day of session before they go on recess to give way for the campaign. Will there be a promulgation pertaining to Committee Report No. 780 which proposes censure of Sen. Manny Villar for failing to declare a conflict of interest in the C-5 road project? Or will it be passed on to the next congress?

Sen. Villar allies are kept on defending him on this C-5 road project issue. I have heard many things about this issue over TV and radio. As a voter and a citizen, I would prefer that Sen. Villar would be brave enough to face the hearing and defend himself for the following notes:

* The Senate, an institution who has a high trust rating from the people, is now in chaos because of this issue. Senators already come to a point of using offensive and unparliamentarily words to each other. How can he withstand that view?

* As a senator running for the highest position of the land, I would love to hear his side right from his mouth and not from his allies’ mouths. Yes 2010 Elections is nearing and such an issue might have a political color. But Senator Villar this is the proper time too to defend your side and have a showdown of evidences with your detractors as you claim. I am very much willing to sit down on TV even a whole day watching you senators battling on this issue so that the people will see the fact or lie over this issue.

* The issue has come a long way here and abroad. Filipino people want to know the truth in a fair and square debate. The people want to know if their money is being used righteously. We are fed up and condemned corruption, if you are not a corrupt leader we want to hear it straight from you in a debate.

As a voter, the C-5 road project issue is not political to me. It involved millions and billions of pesos and that is not a political thing. The people want to know the necessity for this project. If indeed there is, does the spending conform in Philippine Laws in every aspect? As a senator, you owe us the truth on this issue. I assumed that with clear conscience you will face the Senate and say your piece to give closure to this very and prolonged controversial project.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kinsella & Utah Haiti Relief & Rescue Team

180 orphans and more than 200 injured people in Haiti earthquake were rescued and saved by UTAH HAITI RELIEF & RESCUE TEAM. This team is a group of businessmen living in the Philippines. They immediately went to the affected areas in Haiti after knowing the tragedy where they saved 180 orphans and directly brought them in the US Embassy at Sto. Domingo, Dominican Republic. These orphans will be taken to America and look for their new parents. They were able to help more than 200 injured people and the group even bought 3 helicopters to use in their rescue and relief operation in Haiti.

According to Natahn Kinsella, Chairman of PNI-KMPG (a call center company located in Manila), the group is composed of businessmen in Utah, USA and partners in business he established in the Philippines. Kinsella, his family and businessmen friends from the US are living in the Philippines for more than 7 years now. Kinsella said that they were forced to buy the 3 helicopters because they knew that it is the easiest way to transport the victims of the earthquake and in delivering the relief goods in Haiti.

More than 200 tons of relief goods were already been delivered by the group in the different areas in Haiti. Among the 180 orphans, more than 100 of those were given US Visa and the group will look for new parents of these orphans. Currently, the group is planning to buy more than 100 container vans to be given to the victims in Haiti to serve as their temporary homes.

Seeing the catastrophic aftermath of the earthquake by Kinsella and the UTAH RELIEF ORGANIZATION, they knew that whatever they have extended to the victims are not enough that is why they are thinking for a long-term and permanent solution that they can still extend to the victims.

Kinsella went back to the Philippines Monday morning aboard Philippine Airlines Flight PR 103.

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