It's been a common knowledge that many parents and students are aspiring to pass in a Science High School like one in Marikina. Ysabel took her written exam last January 19 together with hundreds of students from different public and private schools. There were 300 questions regarding Math, English, Araling Panlipunan and Science.
She was really nervous as we all awaits the result of that exam. Come January 30, all her hardships paid off. She passed the written exam and scheduled for an oral exam last February 2. That day she was told to read a passage or composition about "Dunes." Afterwards she seated in front of a teacher, answered 10 questions about it and some personal questions as well.
She, together with other applicants, will all wait for the final announcement of who among them pass the admission process. February 15 will be a memorable day especially for those who will be able to make it. I hope and pray that my daughter Ysabel will be one of the lucky students to make it.

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