There are men and women, couple or individual, around the world seeking treatment for infertility and fertility treatment. It is impeccable that this treatment must be taken care of by group of specialized and licensed people to help you achieve your dream with utmost guidance and care.

The pregnancy after 40 is sometimes a problem to some women. At SMF, they have this Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer or ZIFT to answer for this. The embryos are placed directly into the fallopian tube in this procedure. This will allow embryos to develop in their most natural environment, as opposed and different to the artificial environment of the IVF laboratory. ZIFT procedure gives pregnancy rates over 40%.
For SMF information and medical services, visit their website or center at 2825 Santa Monica Boulevard,
Suite 100 Santa Monica, CA 90404. You may call the following numbers: (310) 566-1470 or toll-free (866) 991-1990 (U.S. and Canada), fax (310) 566-1485.

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